- Wu,
J. and L. Kang (eds). 2023. Lectures in Modern
Ecology (X): Key Topics, Advances, and Future
Challenges. Higher Education Press, Beijing.
- Li,
L., J. Wu, J. Fang, X. Han, G. Yu, S. Liu, K. Ma,
B. Fu, S. Piao, H. Ren, F. Zhang, and M. Shao.
2023. China’s Vegetation and Environmental Change.
- He,
C., Z. Liu, Q. Huang, J. Li, D. Zhang, and J. Wu.
2023. Urban Landscape Processes and Sustainability
in Drylands: Multi-Scale Studies from the Globe to
Regions. Science Press, Beijing.
- Yu,
D., B. Xun, Y. Liu, R. Hao, J. Qiao, and J. Wu.
2023. Landscape Services and Regional
Sustainability Assessment. Science Press, Beijing.
- Wu,
J.G., X.Y. Chen, Y.Y., Li, and Q. Ma (eds). 2021.
Lectures in Modern Ecology (IX): Advances in
Ecological Research on Urbanization and Global
Change. Higher Education Press, Beijing. 268 pp.
- He,
C., Q. Huang, Z. Liu, Q. Ma, and J. Wu. 2018.
Urban Landscape Ecology: Processes, Impacts, and
Sustainability. Science Press, Beijing. 302 pp
- Y.
Gao and J. Wu (eds). 2017. Lectures
in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community,
Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology. Higher
Education Press, Beijing.
- Barrett,
G.W., T.L. Barrett, and J.G. Wu (eds). 2015. History
of Landscape Ecology in the United States.
Springer, New York. ISBN 978-1-4939-2275-8
- Wu,
J.G. S.Q. An, and X. Leng (eds). 2013. Lectures
in Modern Ecology (VI): Global Climate Change
and Ecological Patterns and Processes.
Higher Education Press, Beijing.
- Wu,
J. G. and F.M. Li (eds). 2011. Lectures in Modern
Ecology (V): Large-Scale Ecology and
Sustainability Science.
Higher Education Press, Beijing.
- Hong, S.K., J. Wu, J.E. Kim, and N.
Nakagoshi (eds). 2011. Landscape Ecology in Asian
Cultures. Springer,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
- Wu, J. and J. Yang (eds). 2009.
Lectures in
Modern Ecology (IV): Theory and
Applications. Higher
Education Press, Beijing.
- Carriero, M., Y. Song, and J. Wu
(eds). 2008. Ecology, Planning, and
Management of Urban Forests:
International Perspectives.
Springer, New York. 467 pp.
- Gu, B., J. Wu, J. Chen, and Y. Wu
(eds). 2008. Green
Careers. Higher Education
Press, Beijing. [In Chinese]
- Wu, J. and R. Hobbs (eds). 2007. Key Topics in Landscape
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 297
- Wu, J., J. Ge, X. Han, Z. Yu, and
D. Zhang (eds). 2007. Lectures in
Modern Ecology (III): Advances and Key
Topics. Higher
Education Press, Beijing. 383 pp.
[In Chinese]
- Wu, J. 2007. Landscape
Ecology: Pattern, Process, Scale and
Hierarchy. 2nd
Edition. Higher Education Press, Beijing.
266 pp. [In Chinese]
- Wu, J., B. Jones, H.
Li, and O. L. Loucks (Eds). 2006. Scaling and
Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology.
Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 351 pp.
- Wu, J., X. Han, and
J. Huang (eds). 2002. Lectures in Modern Ecology (II):
From Basic Science to Environmental Issues.
Science and Technology Press, Beijing. 229 pp. [In Chinese]
- Wu, J. 2000. Landscape Ecology:
Pattern, Process, Scale and Hierarchy.
1st Edition. Higher Education Press,
Beijing. [In Chinese; “Award of
Outstanding Books in Science and Technology of
China in 2001”]
Translated Books
- Forman, R.T.T. 2014. Urban Ecology: Science of
Cities. Cambridge University Press. [Chinese edition
translated by J. Wu, Z. Liu, G. Huang, L. Huang, Y.
Liu, W. Shen, J. Yang, Y. Zhao, W. Zhou, and W. Zhu,
2017, Higher Education Press, Beijing. 579 pp.]
Edited Journal Special Issues
- Joan Nassauer and Jianguo Wu (Guest
Editors). 2014. Urbanization in China and the
world: Transdisciplinary insights from urban
ecology, design, and planning. Special issue,
Landscape and Urban Planning 125.
- Han, X., K. Owens, X. Wu, J. Wu, J.
Huang (Guest Editors). 2009. Grasslands of Inner
Mongolia, Special Issue of Journal Rangeland
Ecology & Management 62(4):305-313.
- Laura Musacchio and Jianguo Wu (Guest
Editors). 2004. Special
Collaborative Research in Large-Scale Ecosystem
Studies: Emerging Trends in Urban and Regional
Ecology. Urban Ecosystems 7:175-314.
- Wu, J. and D. Marceau (Editors). 2002.
Special Issue: Modeling
Ecological Systems. Ecological Modelling
- Wu, J. and Y. Qi
(Quest Editors). 2000. Special Issue: The
Problem of Scale in Spatial Analysis of
Landscapes. Geographic Information
Sciences 6(1): 1-80.
Journal papers & book chapters
- Bian, H., J. Gao, Y. Liu, D. Yang, and J. Wu.
2024. China’s safe and just space during 40 years of
rapid urbanization and changing policies. Landscape
Ecology (accepted)
- Gilman, J. and J. Wu. 2024. Identifying
broken linkages coupling water availability and
dryland urbanization for sustainability: The use
of the Phoenix metropolitan region, USA. J.
Env. Manage. 352, 120097.
- Estoque, R. C., & Wu, J. (2024). The
resilience–sustainability–quality of life nexus.
Science of The Total Environment, 169526
- Qiu, J., H. Zhao, N. Chang, C.B. Wardropper, C.
Campbell, J.A. Baggio, Z. Guan, P. Kohl, J. Newell,
and J. Wu. Scaling up urban agriculture as a
transformative change to advance social-ecological
resilience and sustainability. Nature Food,
- Wu, J. 2023. Landscape ecology. Pages 316-317 In:
Brent Haddad and Barry D. Solomon (eds), Dictionary
of Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar Press.
- Wu, J. 2023. Overview of landscape sustainability
science. Pages 354-391 in Yu, D., B. Xun, Y. Liu, R.
Hao, J. Qiao, Q. Cao, and J. Wu (eds), Landscape
Services and Regional Sustainability Assessment.
Science Press, Beijing.
- Cao, Q., Y. Liu, M. Georgescu, D. Yu, and J. Wu.
2023. Impacts of changes in landscape pattern on
regional climate: Research advances and prospects.
In: Wu, J. and L. Kang (eds), Lectures in Modern
Ecology (X): Key Topics, Advances, and Future
Challenges. Higher Education Press, Beijing.
- Valente JJ, Gannon DG, Hightower J, Kim H,
Leimberger KG, Macedo R, Rousseau JS, Weldy MJ,
Zitomer RA, Fahrig L, Fletcher Jr. RJ, Wu J, Betts
MG (2023) Toward conciliation in the habitat
fragmentation and biodiversity debate. Landsc. Ecol.
- Gilman, J. and J. Wu. 2023. The
interactions among landscape pattern, climate
change, and ecosystem services: Progress and
prospects. Regional Environmental Change
- Guo, J., B. Wei, J. Liu, D. M. Eissenstat, S. Yu,
X. Gong, J. Wu, X. He, and M. Yu. 2023. Linkages
between Plant Community Composition and Soil
Microbial Diversity in Masson Pine Forests. Plants
- Liu, L., Q. Ma, C. Shang, and J. Wu. 2023. Exploring
the elasticity of the temporal relationship
between ecosystem services and human wellbeing:
Evidence from Inner Mongolian drylands.
Journal of Environmental Management 339, 117930.
- Pamukcu-Albers, P., J. Azevedo, F. Ugolini, A.
Zhuniga-Teran, and J. Wu. 2023. Urban resilience
through green infrastructure. Pages 53-69 In:
Fernando Pacheco-Torgal and Claes-Goran Granqvist
(eds), Adapting the Built Environment for Climate
Change: Design Principles for Climate Emergencies,
Woodhead Publishing.
- Wu, J. 2022. A
new frontier for landscape ecology and
sustainability: Introducing the world’s first
atlas of urban agglomerations. Landscape
Ecology 37:1721-1728.
- Chen, J., R. John, J. Yuan, E. A. Mack, P.
Groisman, G. Allington, J. Wu, P. Fan, K. M. de
Beurs, A. Karnieli, G. Gutman, M. Kappas, G. Dong,
F. Zhao, Z. Ouyang, A. L. Pearson, B. Şat, N. A.
Graham, C. Shao, A. K. Graham, G. M. Henebry, Z.
Xue, A. Amartuvshin, L. Qu, H. Park, X. Xin, J.
Chen, L. Tian, C. Knight, M. Kussainova, F. Li, C.
Fürst, and J. Qi. 2022. Sustainability challenges
for the social-environmental systems across the
Asian drylands belt. Environmental Research Letters
- Fang, X. and J. Wu. 2022. Causes
of overgrazing in Inner Mongolian grasslands:
Searching for deep leverage points of intervention.
Ecology and Society 27(1):8.
- Guo, X., G. Huang, X. Tu, and J. Wu. 2022. Effects
of urban greenspace and socioeconomic factors on air
conditioner use: A multilevel analysis in Beijing,
China. Building and Environment 211:108752.
- Guo, X., Tu, X., G. Huang, X. Fang, L. Kong, and
J. Wu. 2022. Urban greenspace helps ameliorate
people’s negative sentiments during the COVID-19
pandemic: The case of Beijing. Building and
Environment 223:109449.
- Huang, L., J. Wu, K. Wang, and W. Zhang. 2022.
Sustainable landscape planning: Integrating
landscape sustainability research and geodesign.
Acta Ecologica Sinica 42(2):442-449.
- Kong, L., Z. Liu X. Pan, Y. Wang, X. Guo, and J.
Wu. 2022. How
do different types and landscape attributes of
urban parks affect visitors’ positive emotions?
Landscape and Urban Planning 226, 104482.
- Liu, L., X. Fang, and J. Wu. 2022. How
does the local-scale relationship between
ecosystem services and human wellbeing vary across
broad regions? Science of the Total
Environment: doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151493.
- Liu, L. and J. Wu. 2022. Scenario
analysis in urban ecosystem services research:
Progress, prospects, and implications for urban
planning and management. Landscape and Urban
Planning 224:104433.
- Liu, Z. and J. Wu. 2022. Landscape-based
solutions are needed for meeting water challenges
of China’s expanding and thirsty cities.
Landscape Ecology 37:2729-2733.
- McIntyre, N. and J. Wu. 2023. In memoriam: Gary W.
Barrett (1940-2022). Landscape Ecology 37:2963-2965.
- Pan, Q., A. Symstad, Y. Bai, J. Huang, J. Wu, S.
Naeem, D. Chen, D. Tian, Q Wang, and X. Han. 2022.
Biodiversity-productivity relationship in a
natural grassland community vary under realistic
diversity loss scenarios. Journal of Ecology
- Qiu, J., H. Zhao, D. Yu, and J. Wu. 2022.
Ecosystem services and the nexus for achieving urban
sustainability. Pages 364-379 In: Floor Brouwer
(ed.), Handbook on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus,
Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Shang, C., and J. Wu. 2022. A
legendary landscape in peril: Land use and land
cover change and environmental impacts in the
Wulagai River Basin, Inner Mongolia. Journal
of Environmental Management 301:113816.
- Sun, S., P. Shi, Q. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Wu, and D.
Chen. 2021. Evolution of future precipitation
extremes: Viewpoint of climate change
classification. International Journal of
Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.729.
- Sun, X., J. Wu, H. Tang, and P. Yang. 2022. An
urban hierarchy-based approach integrating ecosystem
services into multiscale sustainable land use
planning: The case of China. Resources, Conservation
and Recycling 178:106097.
Wu, J. 2021. Landscape sustainability
science (II): Core questions and key approaches.
Landscape Ecology 336:2453-2485. [Special issue,
"Landscape Ecology Reaching Out"]
- Fang, X., J. Wu, and C. He. 2021. Assessing
human-environment system sustainability based on
Regional Safe and Just Operating Space: The case
of the Inner Mongolia Grassland. Environmental
Science and Policy 116:276-286.
- He, C., Z. Liu, J. Wu, X. Pan, Z. Fang, J. Li, and
B. Bryan. 2021. Future global urban water scarcity
and potential solutions. Nature Communications
- Hu, G., M. C. Wilson, B. Zhou, C. Shang, M. Yu,
and J. Wu. 2021. Spatiotemporal
patterns and ecological consequences of a
fragmented landscape created by damming. PeerJ
9:e11416 DOI 10.7717/peerj.11416.
- Li, J., C. He, Z. Liu, and J. Wu. 2021. Assessing
urban sustainability in global drylands: a review of
definitions, methods and research advances. Pages
215-236 In: J. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Li, and Q. Ma (eds),
Lectures in Modern Ecology (IX): Ecological Studies
on Urbanization and Global Change. Higher Education
Press, Beijing.
- Liu, L. and J. Wu. 2021. Ecosystem
services-human wellbeing relationships vary with
spatial scales and indicators: The case of China.
Resources, Conservation, and Recycling 172:105662.
- Liu, Y.P., J. Wu, and D. Yu. 2021. The
spatiotemporal patterns of PM2.5 pollution and
population exposure assessment in China. Pages 29-42
In: J. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Li, and Q. Ma (eds), Lectures
in Modern Ecology (IX): Ecological Studies on
Urbanization and Global Change. Higher Education
Press, Beijing.
- Lobo, J., M. Alberti, M. Allen-Dumas, L. M. A.
Bettencourt, A. Beukes, L. A. Bojórquez Tapia, W.-Q.
Chen, A. Dodge, Z. Neal, A. Perreira, D. Pfeiffer,
A. Revi, D. Roberts, C. Rozenblat, S. Shutters, M.
E. Smith, E. Stokes, D. Strumsky, and J. Wu. 2021. A
convergence research perspective on graduate
education for sustainable urban systems science. npj
Urban Sustainability 1:39.
- Lundgren, E., D. Ramp, J. Stromberg, J. Wu, N.
Nieto, M. Sluk, K. Moeller, adn A. Wallach. 2021.
Equids engineer desert water availability. Science
- Lundgren, E., D. Ramp, J. Wu, M. Sluk, K. Moeller,
J. Stromberg, and A. Wallach. 2021. Feral equids’
varied effects on ecosystems. Science 373:973-974.
- Ma, Q., Wu, J., He, C., Fang, X., 2021. The
speed, scale, and environmental and economic
impacts of surface coal mining in the Mongolian
Plateau. Resources, Conservation &
Recycling 173, 105730.
- Pamukcu-Albers, F. Ugolini, D. La Rosa, S.
Gradinaru, J. C. Azevedo, and J. Wu. 2021. Building
green infrastructure to enhance urban resilience
to climate change and pandemics. Landscape
Ecology 36:665-673.
- Wang, H., Xu, C., Liu, Y., Jeppesen, E., Svenning,
J.-C., Wu, J., Zhang, W., Zhou, T., Wang, P.,
Nangombe, S., Ma, J., Duan, H., Fang, J., Xie, P.
2021. From unusual suspect to serial killer:
Cyanotoxins boosted by climate change may jeopardize
African megafauna. The Innovation, doi:
- Xiao, R., X. Yu, T. Xiang, Z. Zhang, X. Wang, and
J. Wu. 2021. Exploring the coordination between
physical space expansion and social space growth of
China’s urban agglomerations based on hierarchical
analysis. Land Use Policy 109:105700.
- Wei, Y., J. Wu, J. Huang, X. Liu, D. Han, L. An,
H. Yu, and J. Huang. 2021. Declining oxygen level as
an emerging concern to global cities. Environmental
Science & Technology 55:7808-7817.
- Yang, Y., J. Wu, Y. Wang, Q. Huang, and C. He.
2021. Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of
shrinking cities in urbanizing China: A novel
approach based on time-series nighttime light data.
Cities 118: 103346.
- Zhang, C., W. Kuang, J. Wu, J. Liu, and H. Tian.
2021. Industrial land expansion in rural China
threatens environmental securities. Frontiers in
Environmental Science and Engineering 15(2), 29,
- Zhou, B., R. Aggarwal, J. Wu, and L. Lv. 2021.
Urbanization-associated farmland loss: A macro-micro
comparative study in China. Land Use Policy 101:
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol. 2020.105228.
- Bian H, Gao J, Wu J, Sun X, Du Y. 2020.
Hierarchical analysis of landscape urbanization
and its impacts on regional sustainability: A case
study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China.
Journal of Cleaner Production,
- Cao, Q., Y. Liu, M. Georgescu, and J. Wu. 2020.
Impacts of landscape changes on local and regional
climate: a systematic review. Landscape
Ecology 35:1269-1290.
- Cao, Q., J. Wu, D. Yu, R. Wang, and J. Qiao. 2020.
Regional landscape futures to moderate projected
climate change: a case study in the agro-pastoral
transitional zone of North China. Regional
Environmental Change 20:66,
- He, Y., J. Wu, G. Zhou, and B. Zhou. 2020. Rural
sustainability and rural sustainability science.
Acta Geographica Sinica 75(4):736-752.
- Jia, P., C. Yu, J. Remais, A. Stein, Y. Liu, R.
Brownson, J. Lakerveld, T. Wu, L. Yang, M. Smith, S.
Amer, J. Pearce, Y. Kestens, M. Kwan, S. Lai, F. Xu,
X. Chen, A. Rundle, A. Xiao, H. Xue, M. Luo, L.
Zhao, G. Cheng, S. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Li, J. Panter,
S. Kingham, A. Jones, B. Johnson, X. Shi, L. Zhang,
L. Wang, J. Wu, S. Mavoa, T. Toivonen, K. Mwenda, Y.
Wang, W. Verschuren, R. Vermeulen, and P. James.
2020. Spatial lifecourse epidemiology reporting
standards (ISLE-ReSt) statement. Health & Place
61 (2020) 102243.
- Kong, L., Z. Liu, and J. Wu. 2020. A systematic
review of big data-based urban sustainability
research: State-of-the-science and future
directions. Journal of Cleaner Production 273,
- Li SP, Wang PD, Chen YJ, Wilson MC, Yang X, Ma C,
Lu JB, Chen XY, Wu JG, Shu WS, Jiang L (2020) Island
biogeography of soil bacteria and fungi: similar
patterns, but different mechanisms. ISME J
- Liao, C., J. Qiu, B. Chen, D. Chen, B. Fu, M.
Georgescu, C. He, G.D. Jenerette, X. Li, X. Li, X.
Li, Badingqiuying, P. Shi, and J. Wu. 2020. Advancing
landscape sustainability science: theoretical
foundation and synergies with innovations in
methodology, design, and application.
Landscape Ecology 35,
- Liu Y, Zhang Q, Liu QF, Yan YZ, Hei WX, Yu DY, Wu
JG (2020) Different Household Livelihood Strategies
and Influencing Factors in the Inner Mongolian
Grassland. Sustainability 12(3), 10.3390/su12030839
- Sun, X., H. Tang, P. Yang, G. Hu, and J. Wu. 2020.
Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of ecosystem
service supply and demand across the conterminous
United States: A multiscale analysis. Science of the
Total Environment 703,
- Tu, X., G. Huang, J. Wu, and X. Guo. 2020. How do
travel distance and park size influence urban park
visits? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 52,
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bottom-up controls of food webs. Ecology 101(8),
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Y. Jin, M. Yu, and J. Wu. 2020. Assessing
habitat fragmentation’s hierarchical effects on
species diversity at multiple scales: The case of
Thousand Island Lake, China. Landscape Ecology
- Zhao, Y. Y., Z. F. Liu, and J. G. Wu. 2020.
Grassland ecosystem services: a systematic review
of research advances and future directions.
Landscape Ecology 35:793-814.
- Wu, J. 2019. Linking
landscape/land system and design approaches to
achieve sustainability. Journal of Land Use
Science 14(2):173-189
- Cao, Q., J. Wu, D. Yu, and W. Wang. 2019. The
biophysical effects of the vegetation restoration
program on regional climate metrics in the Loess
Plateau, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- Fan, P., J. Chen, and J. Wu. 2019. Evolving
landscapes under institutional change,
globalization, and cultural influence in contrasting
urban systems. Landscape and Urban Planning
- Fernandez, I.C. and J. Wu. 2019. The urban matrix
matters: Quantifying the effects of surrounding
urban vegetation patterns on natural habitat
remnants in Santiago de Chile. Landscape and Urban
Planning 187:181-190.
- Frazier, . B. Bryan, A. Buyantuev, L. Chen, C.
Echevarria, P. Jia, L. Liu, Q. Li, Z. Ouyang, J. Wu,
W. Xiang, J. Yang, L. Yang, S. Zhao. 2019. Ecological
civilization: Perspectives from landscape ecology
and landscape sustainability science.
Landscape Ecology 34:1-8.
- Guo, X., G. Huang, P. Jia, and J. Wu. 2019.
Estimating fine-scale heat vulnerability in Beijing
through two approaches-Spatial patterns,
similarities, and divergence. Remote Sensing 11,
2358; doi:10.3390/rs11202358.
- Hu, G., M. Wilson, J. Wu, J. Yu, M. Yu. 2019. Decoupling
species richness variation and spatial turnover in
beta diversity across a fragmented landscape.
PeerJ 7:e6714 DOI 10.7717/peerj.6714.
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J. Z. Huang. 2019. Integrating
GeoDesign with Landscape Sustainability Science.
Sustainability 11:10.3390/su11030833.
- Jia, P., J. Lakerveld, J. G. Wu, A. Stein, E. D.
Root, C. E. Sabel, R. Vermeulen, J. V. Remais, X.
Chen, R. C. Brownson, S. Amer, Q. Xiao, L. M. Wang,
W. M. M. Verschuren, T. Wu, Y. F. Wang, and P.
James. 2019. Top 10 Research Priorities in Spatial
Lifecourse Epidemiology. Environmental Health
Perspectives 127:10.1289/Ehp4868.
- Jia, P., C. Yu, J. Remais, A. Stein, Y. Liu, R.
Brownson, J. Lakerveld, T. Wu, L. Yang, M. Smith, S.
Amer, J. Pearce, Y. Kestens, M. Kwan, S. Lai, F. Xu,
X. Chen, A. Rundle, A. Xiao, H. Xue, M. Luo, L.
Zhao, G. Cheng, S. Yang, X. Zhou, Y. Li, J. Panter,
S. Kingham, A. Jones, B. Johnson, X. Shi, L. Zhang,
L. Wang, J. Wu, S. Mavoa, T. Toivonen, K. Mwenda, Y.
Wang, W. Verschuren, R. Vermeulen, and P. James.
2019. Spatial lifecourse epidemiology reporting
standards (ISLE-ReSt) statement. Health & Place,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace. 2019.102243.
- Jiang, Y., Q. Zhang, J. Niu, and J. Wu. 2019.
Pastoral population growth and land use policy has
significantly impacted livestock structure in Inner
Mongolia: A case study in the Xilinhot region.
Sustainability 11, 7208; doi:10.3390/su11247208.
- Liu, X., F. Pei, Y. Wen, X. Li, S. Wang, C. Wu, Y.
Cai, J. Wu, J. Chen, K. Feng, J. Liu, K. Hubacek, S.
Davis, W. Yuan, L. Yu, and Z. Liu. 2019. Global
urban expansion offsets climate-driven increases in
terrestrial net primary productivity. Nature
Communications 10:5558,
- Liu, Z., M. Ding, C. He, J. Li, and J. Wu. 2019.
The impairment of environmental sustainability due
to rapid urbanization in the dryland region of
northern China. Landscape and Urban Planning,
- Shang, C., T. Wu, G. Huang, and J. Wu. 2018. Weak
sustainability is not sustainable: Socioeconomic
and environmental assessment of Inner Mongolia for
the past three decades. Resources,
Conservation & Recycling 141:243-252.
- Tu, X., G. Huang, and J. Wu. 2019. Review of the
relationship between urban greenspace accessibility
and human well-being. Acta Ecologica Sinica
39(2):DOI:10.5846/ stxb201802030294.
- Xue, F., L. Jia, L. Zhong, and J. Wu. 2019. State
of the Art on Integrated Research of Ecosystem
Services with Spatial Planning. Chinese Landscape
Architecture 35:95-100.
- Yu, D., Y. Liu, P. Shi, and J. Wu. 2019.
Projecting impacts of climate change on global
terrestrial ecoregions. Ecological Indicators
- Zhou, B., J. Wu, and J.M. Anderies. 2019.
Sustainable landscapes and landscape
sustainability: A tale of two concepts.
Landscape and Urban Planning 189:274–284.
- Zhou, B., Q. Ma, J. Wu, G. Hu, D. Mao, X. Zeng, J.
Guo, X. Fang, Y. Liu, and L. Lyu. 2019. What is
sustainability science? Recent advances and new
opportunities. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
- Wu, J. 2018. Seascape
ecology and landscape ecology: Distinct, related,
and synergistic. Pages 487-491 In: Simon J.
Pittman (editor), Seascape Ecology, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bryan, B.A., L. Gao, Y. Ye, X. Sun, J. Connor, N.
Crossman, M. Stafford Smith, J. Wu, C. He, D. Yu, Z.
Liu, A. Li, Q. Huang, H. Ren, X. Deng, H. Zheng, J.
Niu, G. Han, and X. Hou. 2018. China’s response to a
national land-system sustainability emergency.
Nature 559:193-204.
- Cao, Q., D. Yu, M. Georgescu, J. Wu, and W. Wang.
2018. Impacts of future urban expansion on summer
climate and heat-related human health in eastern
China. Environment International 112:134-146.
- Cao, Q., D. Yu, M. Georgescu, and J. Wu. 2018.
Substantial impacts of landscape changes on summer
climate with major regional differences: The case of
China. Science of the Total Environment 625:416-427.
- Chen, J., R. John, G. Sun, P. Fan, G. Henebry, M.
Fernandez-Gimenez, Y. Zhang, H. Park, L. Tian, P.
Groisman, Z. Ouyang, G. Allington, J. Wu, C. Shao,
A. Amarjargal, G. Dong, G. Gutman, F. Huettmann, R.
Lafortezza, C. Crank, and J. Qi. 2019. Prospects for
the sustainability of social-ecological systems
(SES) on the Mongolian Plateau: five critical
issues. Environmental Research Letters 13:123004,
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integration, university design, and sustainability
practice. In: Proceedings of the 2nd SUCCESS Forum
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(Panelist of the Urban/Suburban Work Group)
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