Google Scholar Profile

Translated Books
  1. Forman, R.T.T. 2014. Urban Ecology: Science of Cities. Cambridge University Press. [Chinese edition translated by J. Wu, Z. Liu, G. Huang, L. Huang, Y. Liu, W. Shen, J. Yang, Y. Zhao, W. Zhou, and W. Zhu, 2017, Higher Education Press, Beijing. 579 pp.]

Edited Journal Special Issues

Book Reviews
  1. Wu, J. 2011. Rangeland Degradation and Recovery in China’s Pastoral Lands. Restoration Ecology 19:681-682.
  2. Wu, J. 2006. A guide for spatial analysis in ecology (book review). BioScience 56:938-939.
  3. Wu, J. 2005. Effects of land-use change on ecosystems (book review). Ecology 86(12):3420–3421.
  4. Wu, J. 2005. A new paradigm for a transdisciplinary science of desertification. Diversity and Distributions 11:362-363.
  5. Wu,J. 2001.  A top-down approach to landscape ecology (Book Review). Ecology 82(2):604-606.
  6. Wu,J. 2001. Urban Ecology (Book Review). Ecological Engineering 16:581-582. [ PDF]
  7. Wu,J. 1998. Scaling-Up: From Cell to Landscape (Book Review). Ecological Engineering 10(4): 369-371. [ PDF]
  8. Wu, J. 1995. Modelling dynamic systems using STELLA II (Book Review). Ecological Modelling82(2):208-210.
  9. Wu, J. 1995.Biodiversity and Landscapes: A Paradox of Humanity (BookReview), Journalof Environmental Quality 24(3):554-556.

Reports and Other Publications
  1. Wu, J. 2016. Landscape sustainability science: Why, what, and how in a nutshell. LifeScienceToday (http://blogs.springer.com/lst/landscape-sustainability-science-why-what-and-how-in-a-nutshell/).
  2. Wu, J. 2012. A sustainability paradigm: scientific integration, university design, and sustainability practice. In: Proceedings of the 2nd SUCCESS Forum on Sustainability Science, Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
  3. Wu, J. (ed.) 2012. Proceedings of the Second SUCCESS Symposium on Sustainability Science, Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
  4. 2011. Sustainability for Arizona — The Issue of Our Age (Chinese Translation), Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
  5. Wu, J. (ed.) 2008. Proceedings of the First SUCCESS Symposium on Sustainability Science, Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
  6. Wu, J. 2008. Changing perspectives in ecology and biodiversity conservation: Achieving landscape and regional sustainability. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Planted Forests in Southeast Asia, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, January 15-18, 2007.
  7. Alberti, M., C. Redman, J. Wu, J. Marzluff, M. Handcock, J. Anderies, P. Waddell, D. Fox, H. Kautz, J. Hepinstall. 2006. "Urban Landscape Patterns and Global Environmental Change (GEC): Complex dynamics and emergent properties." Newsletter of the International Human Dimension of Global Climate Change. Spring 2006.
  8. Musacchio, L. and J. Wu. 2003. Pattern, Process, Scale, and Hierarchy: Advancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Creating Sustainable Urban Landscapes and Communities. Arizona State University, Tempe, 54pp.
  9. The Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment. 2004. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (Panelist of the Urban/Suburban Work Group)
  10. Wu, J. and O. L. Loucks. 1998.  Hierarchical patch dynamics as a framework for scaling. Proc. of the Workshop on Scaling and Modelling in Forestry: Applications in Remote Sensing & GIS, University of Montreal, Montreal, March 19-21, 1998. pp. 64-71.
  11. Wu, J. and J. F. Reynolds. 1998. Developing models across multiple scales based on hierarchy theory. Proc. of the Modelling Complex Systems Conference, New Orleans, July 12-17, 1998. pp.189-215.
  12. Wickham, J. D., J. Wu, and D. F. Bradford.  1995.  Stressor Data Sets for Studying Species Diversity at Large Spatial Scales. US EPA 600/R-95/018. Office of Research and Development, U.S. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
  13. Wu, J.  1993.  Modeling the landscape as a dynamic mosaic of patches: some computational aspects.  Cornell Theory Center Technical Report Series, CTC93TR140, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 20pp.
  14. Wu, J.  1993.  A method for studying spatial patterns: the net-function interpolation. Cornell Theory Center Technical Report Series, CTC93TR116, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 20pp.
  15. Wu, J. 1992. Balance of nature and environmental protection: a paradigm shift.  Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Asia Experts.  pp. 1-20, Portland State University, Portland, OR, May 7-8, 1992.
  16. Wu, J.  1990.  Emerging ecological paradigms and sustainable agriculture.  Proc. 2nd Ann. Conf. CAASS, pp. 74-76, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, July 27-28, 1990.