Begin ] [ Overview ] [ Scenario Descriptions ] [ End Of Scenario Comparison ]
Metrics Charts ] Parks and State Trust Lands ] [ Additional References ]
Scenario 1: Managed Growth ] [ Scenario 2: Status Quo ] [ Scenario 3: Ultra-Managed Growth ]

PHX-UGM Metric Charts

The results of the scenarios that are of the most interest from the perspective of the landscape ecologist concern the open lands left after development has extended into available lands. These are the lands that provide habitat and corridors for many of the native species. The results presented have grouped all open lands into a single class, combining protected lands that should remain in a relatively natural state, with parks and available desert lands not yet developed.


Patch Density: The number of patches per square kilometer.


Edge Density: The total length of all edge segments per hectare for the class or landscape of consideration (unit: m/ha).


Largest Patch Index: The ratio of the area of largest patch to the total area of the landscape (unit: percentage).


Mean Patch Size: The average area of all patches in the landscape (unit:ha).


Patch Size Coefficient of Variation: The standard deviation of patch size divided by mean patch size for the entire landscape (unit: percentage).


Double-Log Fractal Dimension: The fractal dimension for the entire landscape, equal to 2 divided by the slope of the regression line between the logarithm of patch area and the logarithm of patch perimeter (unitless).


Shannon's Diversity Index: A measure of patch diversity in a landscape that is determined by both the number of different patch types and the proportional distribution of area among patch types (unitless).


Contagion: An information theory-based index that measures the extent to which patches are spatially aggregated in the landscape (unitless).