Landscape Ecology -
Lecture Notes
Landscape Pattern
Analysis: Errors, Accuracy, and Scale Effects
1. Errors in Landscape Ecological Data
Error propagation in landscape analysis using multiple data
From G. Hess (1994):
- [...,] I raise the issue of classification error in
the thematic GIS representations of remotely-sensed
data. Landscape ecologists have been using such data to
calculate measures of broad-scale landscape pattern, but have
devoted no effort to quantifying the uncertainty in these
- The problem is that there is always classification error in
the land cover data used to calculate pattern measures.
The GIS data represent a final product
of a complicated process that introduces error at many
- Yet without statistical confidence in the measures used,
scientists cannot evaluate correlations between landscape
pattern and ecological processes.
- Without statistical confidence one cannot use measures of
pattern to detect differences in landscapes over space, or
changes in a landscape over time.
- Progress in testing hypothesized relations between
landscape pattern and ecological process requires that both be
measured and that errors inherent in the measurements be
understood and quantified.
- The lack of error information ultimately limits our ability
to draw statistically valid conclusions about the degree of
correlation between landscape pattern and ecological process.
- Coordinated efforts are needed among members of the
landscape ecology, remote sensing, GIS, and statistics
communities to resolve the issues on classification errors.
2. Potential Problems in Landscape Pattern Analysis
* Problems of Spatial Analysis with Area-Based Data (MAUP; see
Wu 1996)
What Is MAUP?
- MAUP stands for “modifiable areal unit problem”
(Openshaw1984, Jelinski
andWu 1996).
- Scale-related studies in landscape ecology include three
distinct but intrinsically linked issues: characteristic
scales, scale effects, and scaling.
An illustration of two aspects in areal
aggregation: change in scale (here referring to the spatial
resolution or grain size) and change in zoning systems or zoning
alternatives at the same scale (i.e., the shape and orientation
of the areal units). The numbers denote grain sizes. Notice that
grain sizes change only along the columns, whereas along each
row the way of zoning varies. Two numbers in each group are the
respective numbers of rows and columns of basic spatial units or
BSUs (i.e., the original grid cells) contained in the aggregated
areal unit in the repartitioned data set.
Scale Effect
Examples of scale and zoning problems in
statistical analysis. The original data set is a 16 x 16 matrix.
To examine scale effect, the data is progressively aggregated
across 8 spatial scales at each of which summary statistics
(mean and variance) and autocorrelation (Moran's I and Geary's
c) are calculated. To examine zoning effect, the original data
is repartitioned differently at two spatial scales (16 and 64
BSUs), resulting in 8 zoning alternatives, at each of which the
same statistics are computed. In all cases, variance and
autocorrelation change markedly with both scale and zoning
alternatives, while mean seems resistant to these changes. Also
see a schematic description of ways of data aggregation.
(From Wu & Jelinski 1995).
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