Landscape Ecology - Lecture Notes

Landscape Pattern and Ecosystem Processes

[From Bailey 1996]

I. Mechanisms for movement of energy, materials and species in landscape mosaics
B. Main forms (or forces) of movement

II. Landscape pattern and spatial distribution of energy and materials
[From Bailey 1996]

III. Movement of nutrients and energy among ecosystems is affected by landscape pattern
IV. Effects of landscape fragmentation on ecosystem dynamics

[Excerpt from J. Wu (2009). Ecological dynamics in fragmented landscapes. In: Simon A. Levin (ed). Princeton Guide to Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton.]

Ecosystem ecology, the study of energy flow and material cycling within an ecosystem composed of the biotic community and its physical environment, traditionally has adopted a systems perspective, which emphasizes stocks, fluxes, and interactions among components without explicit consideration of spatial heterogeneity within the system and effects of the landscape context.  With the rapid development of landscape ecology since the 1980s, more and more ecosystem studies have adopted a landscape approach that explicitly deals with within-system spatial heterogeneity and between-system exchanges of energy and matter. 

An increasing number of recent studies have shown that landscape fragmentation can influence ecosystem dynamics in several ways.  First, the loss and creation of patches directly change the spatial distribution of pools and fluxes of energy and materials in the landscape (e.g., biomass, ecosystem productivity, nutrient cycling, decomposition, evapotranspiration).  Second, the altered configuration of landscape elements, particularly introduced edges and boundaries, may not only affect the flows of organisms but also the patterns of lateral movements of materials and energy within and among ecosystems (e.g., hydrological pathways and erosion-deposition patterns).  Third, landscape fragmentation can affect ecosystem processes through microclimatic modifications due to altered surface energy balance (e.g., changes in albedo, radiation fluxes, soil temperature, soil moisture, wind profile and pattern) especially near the boundaries of remnant patches (edge effects).  Fourth, all the effects of landscape fragmentation on population dynamics and species persistence have bearings on ecosystem processes because both plants and animals play an important role in ecosystem processes.

Landscape approach to ecosystem dynamics
A landscape approach to ecosystem dynamics is characterized by the explicit consideration of the effects of spatial heterogeneity, lateral flows, and scale on the pools and fluxes of energy and matter within an ecosystem and across a fragmented landscape (Turner and Cardille 2007).  This new approach to ecosystem studies highlights the fact that ecosystems are neither homogeneous internally nor closed externally.  Such a perspective seems in sharp contrast with the traditional equilibrium view that ecosystems are self-regulatory, self-repairing, and homeostatic, and is particularly appropriate when fragmented landscapes are considered.  Guided by this spatial approach, several key research questions have emerged: How do the pools of energy and matter and the rates of biogeochemical processes vary in space?  What factors control the spatial variability of these pools and processes?  How do land use change and its legacy affect ecosystem processes?  How do patch edges, boundary characteristics, within-system spatial heterogeneity, and the landscape matrix influence ecosystem dynamics and stability?  How do ecosystem processes change with scale and how can they be related across scales (i.e., scaling)?  How do the responses of populations and ecosystem processes to landscape fragmentation interact?  How do the composition and configuration of fragmented landscapes affect the sustainability of landscapes in terms of their capacity to provide long-term ecosystem services?

A landscape approach to ecosystem dynamics promotes the use of remote sensing and GIS in dealing with spatial heterogeneity and scaling in addition to more traditional methods of measuring pools and fluxes commonly used in ecosystem ecology.  It also integrates the pattern-based horizontal methods of landscape ecology with the process-based vertical methods of ecosystem ecology, and promotes the coupling between the organism-centered population perspective and the flux-centered ecosystem perspective.

V. Future directions

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