Registration is open! Please join us in Beijing, China, June 8-10, 2015.

  1. ◆Please download the registration form ( form.docx ).
  2. ◆Send completed registration form to
  3. ◆Conference co-chair will issue an invitation letter as the certification for the official registration after registration form is received.
  4. Deadline for registration form submission is May 20, 2015.

Registration fees include access to the conference, conference materials, refreshment breaks, and breakfast, lunch and dinner on June 9-10.

  1. ◆1000 RMB for professional participants.
  2. ◆600 RMB for students (student ID card required).
  3. ◆Receipt for registration fee will be available during the conference.

Please make your payment to Beijing Normal University (No.19 Xinjiekouwai Street, Beijing).

  1. ◆Banker name: Bank of China, Wenhuiyuan Branch
  2. ◆Account No: 340256015272
  3. ◆Please include "第三届LSS国际论坛+单位+姓名" along with your payment.
  4. ◆Please keep the remittance voucher to get the invoice.

On-site payment is only available in the afternoon on June 8, 2015.

会议注册: 除特邀专家外,一般参会人员请于2015年5月20日前将填写好的报名表(下载地址: form.docx)发送至,并缴纳会议注册费。会议的正式邀请信将于确认收到报名表后发出。获得正式邀请信的人员才能注册并参会。
缴纳方式:(1)银行汇款(请凭汇款凭证领取发票)。汇款单位全称:北京师范大学,开户行:中国银行北京文慧园支行,账号:340256015272。汇款请一定要注明“第三届LSS国际论坛+单位+姓名”字样。 (2)现场缴费(仅限于6月8日下午) 。
