Peijun Shi
Professor of Beijing Normal University
Executive Vice President of Beijing Normal University
Director of the State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University

Prof. Peijun Shi has been engaged in researches on integrated natural disasters, resource development and regional natural environment evolution, and has made remarkable achievements therein. His major academic contributions include: (1) Primarily structured the theoretical system of "Regional Natural Disaster System", compiled the Atlas of Natural Disaster System of China (in Chinese and English), completed the division of natural disasters in China and established the information system of emergency management for regional ecological environment; (2) Disclosed the basic process of interaction between regional land use/coverage changes and ecological safety, and built the modeling system of defining the land use layout on the premise of ecological safety; (3) Set forth the theoretical framework for "Man-earth System Dynamics of Earth Surface", systematically introduced the "non-equilibrium phase transition process" of regional environment evolution in the northern semi-arid area, discovered the 2000-year quasi period of the environment evolution in Northern China and disclosed the loess geomantic complex formation mechanism.

In recent 5 years, he published, in the Chinese core journals, 22 theses as the first author, and 64 theses in collaboration. He published 63 theses overseas, 43 of which were collected by SCI and EI. He also published 9 academic books. Moreover, Prof. Peijun Shi has been honored with the following main scientific research awards: (1) Study on Regional Natural Disaster System: 1st Prize 2004 National Science and Technology Award (Natural Sciences) nominated by MOE; (2) The Atlas of Natural Disaster System of China: 1st Prize of 2004 Excellent Atlas Award of Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography; (3) Study on the Law of Near-surface Aeolian Activities: 2nd Prize of 2006 Beijing Science and Technology Award (Basic).