June 27, 2013: Arrival
Check-in at Jing Shi Hotel (on BNU campus)
6:30pm: Reception/Dinner for Invited Speakers (in Jing Shi Hotel)
June 28, 2013: Day 1 Meeting
Venue: Meeting Room #3 of Yingdong Conference Hall
Meet at the hotel lobby at 8:45AM
9:00am~9:15am Opening remarks Jianguo Wu
9:15am~10:00am Presentation: Landscape Sustainability Science – What Is It? Jianguo Wu
10:00am~10:30am Guest Prof. Certificates / Photo & Tea Break  
10:30am~12:30pm Presentation (Sustainability science/Land system architecture) Billie L. Turner II
12:30pm~2:00pm Lunch  
2:00pm~4:00pm Presentation (Solutions cause many problems - a different view on landscape management) Sander van der Leeuw
4:00pm~4:15pm Tea Break  
4:15pm~5:15pm Presentation (Ecology of China/ Special Ecological Zone Project – 草业生态特区) Jingyun Fang
5:15pm~6:15pm Presentation (Integrated risk governance) Peijun Shi
6:30pm Dinner on your own
The restaurant on the first floor of Jingshi Hotel.
June 29, 2013: Day 2 Meeting
Venue: Meeting Room #3 of Yingdong Conference Hall
Meet at the hotel lobby at 8:45AM
9:00am~11:00am Presentation (Modelling as a tool to explore the past and future of land systems across scales) Peter Verburg
11:00am~11:15am Tea Break  
11:15am~12:15pm Presentation (Landscape ecology and ecosystem services research in China) Bojie Fu
12:15pm~2:00pm Lunch  
2:00pm~3:00pm Presentation (Low carbon economy of China) Ye Qi
3:00pm~4:00pm Presentation (Moving forward for urban sustainability, looking backward for enlightenment: What would Li Bing and Ian McHarg do in the 21st century New York City?) Weining Xiang
4:00pm~4:15pm Tea Break  
4:15pm~6:00pm Roundtable discussion  
7:00pm Banquet (Jing Shi Hotel – Banquet Hall)
Meet at the hotel lobby at 6:50PM
June 30, 2013: Day 3 Field Trip (Only for Invited Speakers)
8:00am~5:00pm The Great Wall
Meet at the hotel lobby at 7:50AM
Breakfast on the first floor restaurant (7:00~7:50AM)
July 1-4, 2013: Field Trip (Only for Invited Speakers)
July 1 AM Fly from Beijing to Hohhot, the capital city of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (CA1103/9:00AM,10:10AM)  
July 1 PM Visit to Inner Mongolia Museum
Inner Mongolia Hotel
July 2 AM Mini-Symposium on Sustainability at Inner Mongolia University (three 50-min talks by invited speakers) in the morning – (speakers: Billie Turner, Chunyang He, and Deyong Yu)  
July 2 PM City Tour in Hohhot in the afternoon
Fly from Hohhot to Xilinhot – the heart of the Inner Mongolia Grassland (MU2179/16:20PM,17:20PM)
Xilingol Hotel
July 3 Visit Inner Mongolia Grassland Research Stations/Tour of the grassland(the typical steppe region)
Xilingol Hotel
Note: Billie and Carol go to Beijing in the evening.
July 4 AM Fly from Xilinhot to Beijing (CA1110/8:50AM,9:55AM)
Invited speakers may take off for home directly from Beijing Capital International Airport