Jingyun Fang
Cheung Kong Scholar Professor
Peking University, Beijing
Institute of Botany
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Web: http://www.ecology.pku.edu.cn/ch/Teacherbig.Asp?id=2

Prof. Jingyun Fang has published more than 200 academic papers, with a focus on fields of global change ecology, vegetation ecology, terrestrial carbon cycle, biodiversity and biogeography of plants, land use and land cover change, and applications of remote sensing in ecology. Over 80 of his papers were included by SCI, five in Science, Nature and PNAS. He has also received many awards, such as 1st National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Investigators (1994), Top 10 Progresses of Science and Technology of Higher Education in China (2001), First Prize for Natural Science Research Granted by National Ministry of Education (2003), Second Prize of National Natural Science Award (2004), Cheung Kong Achievement Award (2006), Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Achievement Award (2007). Prof. Fang is a member of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).