Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology
主编:高玉葆 邬建国

内容简介: 《现代生态学讲座(VIII):群落、生态系统和景观生态学研究新进展》一书是根据“第八届现代生态学讲座”的主题报告,经过评审和筛选而编著。其作者多为在群落、生态系统和景观生态学方面成果卓越的学者。本书对群落、生态系统和景观生态学有关的一系列热点论题展开广泛而深入的论述,这些论题包括森林、草地等生态系统的结构和功能;土地利用和覆盖变化及其生态影响;农业生态与可持续农业等。本书主体明确,内容翔实,题材新颖,图文并茂,可供生物学、生态学、环境科学以及相关学科的研究和教学人员阅读,也可作为研究生的教科书或参考书。
About This Book: “Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology” is based on the plenary presentations at the 8th International Symposium on Modern Ecology. Most of the authors are well-established ecologists from around the world, who have made important contributions to the study of community, ecosystems and landscape ecology. This ISOMES book covers a wide range of topics, including the structure and function of forests, grasslands, and other ecosystems; the variation in land use and coverage and its ecological effects; and agricultural ecology and sustainable agricultre. The book is characterized by a clear and important theme, rich and up-to-date materials, and a combination of theoretical explorations and empirical case studies. This book is useful to researchers and students in biology, ecology, environmental sciences, and other related fields, and suitable to be a textbook or reference for graduate-level courses.



Lectures in Modern Ecology (VI): Global Climate Change and Ecological Patterns and Processes
主编:邬建国 安树青 冷欣
编委:耿其芳 傅声雷 刘世荣 孙阁 唐剑武 魏晓华
内容简介: 《现代生态学讲座(VI):全球气候变化与生态格局和过程》一书是根据“第六届现代生态学讲座”的主题报告,经过评审和筛选而编著。其作者多为在气候变化与生态格局和过程方面成果卓越的学者。本书对气候变化和生态系统响应有关的一系列热点论题展开广泛而深入的论述。这些论题包括全球气候变化的原因、格局及区域特征;气候变化对森林、草地等生态系统的分布、结构和功能的影响;气候变化对植被恢复和生物入侵的影响;以及生态系统的风险评价和管理决策。本书主体明确,内容翔实,题材新颖,图文并茂,可供生物学、生态学、环境科学以及相关学科的研究和教学人员阅读,也可作为研究生的教科书或参考书。
About This Book: “Lectures in Modern Ecology (VI): Global Climate Change and Ecological Patterns and Processes” is based on the plenary presentations at the 6th International Symposium on Modern Ecology. Most of the authors are well-established ecologists from around the world, who have made important contributions to the study of climate change impacts on ecosystems. This ISOMES book covers a wide range of topics on global climate change and ecological responses, including the causes, pattern, and regional characteristics of climate change; its effects on the distribution, structure, and function of forests, grasslands, and other ecosystems; its effects on vegetation restoration and biological invasions; and ecosystem risk assessment and management. The book is characterized by a clear and important theme, rich and up-to-date materials, and a combination of theoretical explorations and empirical case studies. This book is useful to researchers and students in biology, ecology, environmental sciences, and other related fields, and suitable to be a textbook or reference for graduate-level courses.
Lectures in Modern Ecology (V): Large-Scale Ecology and Sustainability Science
内容简介: 本书是根据“第五届现代生态学讲座”的主题报告,经过评审和筛选而编著的。作者多为国内外有关领域颇有建树的学者。本书对生态系统、景观以及区域尺度上的一系列重要的生态学和可持续发展论题进行了阐述。这些论题包括土地利用和土地覆盖变化及其生态影响,城市化对生物多样性和生态系统功能的影响,草地、森林和湿地生态系统服务与管理,以及可持续性恢复生态学。内容丰富,题材新颖,图文并茂,中英文兼顾,可供生物学、生态学、环境科学以及有关应用学科的研究和教学人员阅读,也适合作为大学生和研究生的教科书或参考书。
About This Book: “Lectures in Modern Ecology (V) Large-Scale Ecology and Sustainability Science”is based on the 5th International Symposium on Modern Ecology, part of the influential symposium series known as ISOMES. Most of the authors are well-established Chinese ecologists around the world. This ISOMES book discusses a range of cutting-edge topics, including land use change and its ecological consequences . urbanization and its effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function, ecosystem services and management of grasslands, forests, and wetlands, and sustainable restoration ecology. The book includes both Chinese and English chapters, and should be useful to researchers and practitioners in biology, ecology, environmental sciences and other related fields, and suitable for undergraduate and graduate students as a text or reference book.
《 现代生态学讲座(IV):理论与实践》
Lectures in Modern Ecology (IV): Theory and Applications
内容提要:《 现代生态学讲座(IV):理论与实践》一书是根据“第四届现代生态学讲座暨学术研讨会”主题报告,经过评审和筛选而编著的。其作者多为国内外有关领域已颇有建树的学者。本书重点讨论了生物多样性与生态系统功能相互关系,湿地生态学,草地生态学,景观生态学,生物地球化学循环,生态系统服务、评价与管理,以及干旱半干旱地区可持续发展等一系列基础研究和实际应用问题。内容丰富,题材新颖,图文并茂,中英文兼顾,可供生物学、生态学、环境科学以及有关应用学科的研究和教学人员阅读,也适合作为大学生和研究生的教科书。

“Lectures in Modern Ecology (IV): Theory and Applications”is based on the 4th International Symposium on Modern Ecology, part of the influential symposium series known as ISOMES. Most of the authors are well-established ecologists around the world. This ISOMES book discusses a range of cutting-edge topics, including biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, wetland ecology, grassland ecology, landscape ecology, biogeochemical cycling, ecosystem services, valuation and management, and sustainable development in arid and semiarid regions. The book includes both Chinese and English chapters, and should be useful to researchers and practitioners in biology, ecology, environmental sciences and other related fields, and suitable for undergraduate and graduate students as a textbook.

Lectures in Modern Ecology (III): Advances and Key Topics

现代生态学讲座 (二): 基础研究与环境问题
Lectures in Modern Ecology (II): From Basic Science to Environmental Issues
作者:邬建国,韩兴国 黄建辉 主编
   该书涉猎广泛,理论和实践相结合。书中讨论了生态学中的一系列理论问题,如复杂性概念和理论以及生理、种群、群落和生态系统生态学的一些核心概述和研究热点,并介绍了一些新的生态学方法,如人工神经网络、整合分析和空间分析等方法。此外,本书还突出了一些应用生态学学科的最新进展和实际范例,如恢复生态学、景观经营、城市生态学、全球变化,以及空气污染和环境决策。 该专著约 70 %的内容由中华海外生态学者协会的会员撰写。
《现代生态学讲座 (I)》再版
作者:李博 主编
内容简介: 本书为“第一届现代生态学讲座暨学术研讨会”文集。作者主要为海外留学人员(博士、博士后)。它重点介绍了不同尺度、不同层次上现代生态学的新理论经、新观点及新方法。本书的出版对现代生态学的研究有一定的指导意义。本书可供生态学专业的大专院校师生、研究人员、环保、资源管理、农林牧业管理人员参考。 据称,该书一售而空,至今在我国生态学同行中广为流传。
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